How does it work?

So few steps.
So much efficiency.

Start using Pemcards
in three easy steps:

How it works for you and your clients.

Step 1
Choose the service that you want to use
Step 2
Send a postcard to your clients together with your digital campaign to make them feel unique
Step 3
Integrate the Pemcards tool into your website and send postcards to your visitors
But technically?

Data is collected at every step.

Lots of data is collected at each step of the journey from online to offline and that is what makes us different.

User data comes into the company’s possession from the moment when they acquire credit from a business client who uses Pemcards.

The user’s data – name, surname, email address and device language – are quickly collected during registration.
When the postcard has been created, Pemcards collects and provides the following data:
creation and shipping date of the postcard;
geolocation of the photo and shipment (if activated);
sentiment and language of the message
an analysis of the photo (front of postcard) that objects (elements such as outdoors, buildings, objects such as bikes, etc.), faces (age range, gender, sentiment of the person, elements such as eyes, glasses, etc.) and moderations (alcohol, drugs, violence, nudity, etc.) are extracted as data.
From where to where
data about the destination (zip code, city and state);
Data content
delivery data (service office by postal services) for shipment in the USA and Italy.
Single response to the Call to Action
We track every single postcard and know exactly which one has followed the link.